Hamster Rage

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Chapter 2 Webcomic 6

So this entire story was drawn and colored and ready to go in April 2020 and then COVID kept going and Trumpist Fascism has kept going and I felt horribly demotivated to continue to do much of anything with Roosevelt and Hamster Rage. I typically had some level of fun playing in the space and it felt less fun.
Getting into therapy and quitting Facebook has helped immensely.

So here we are in December of 2021 and I’ve decided on this C2E2 weekend to throw the rest of this story up.

Please get vaccinated. Please get boosters. Please if you hate me and this comic and think I’m a liberal idiot listen to your doctor and don’t earn a Herman Cain Award.

Back to business:

Stay distanced, stay masked and stay safe let’s get through this all together!